After successfully installing OS to your SD card, now it's time to stick this to your Raspberry Pi and do the initial configuration. Connect LAN cable to Raspberry Pi, insert the SD card to it and connect power cable. Raspberry Pi starts up and several seconds later it can be accessed with ssh. IP address should be found with iNet or some other equivalent app/method. Initial username and password are set to pi and raspberry.
Do `sudo raspi-config` and start configuration. When you hit `sudo raspi-config` you will see a console like below.1. Expand Filesystem
Usually you wanna expand filesystem. The OS distribution images are normally around the size of 2GB and when your SD card has unused portion, it will expand to fill the rest of the SD card so you can use more space. If you can't find any particular reason not to do this, you should do this. You must reboot before enabling this modification.2. Change User Password
It changes password for pi user. As I wrote above, the initial password is set to raspberry. You should change this.3. Enable Boot to Desktop/Scratch
I left it with default value.4. Internationallization Options
en_GB.UTF-8 is sellected as default so I unchecked this and checked en_US.UTF-8. You hit space key to switch. Then hit Tab and choose OK.Timezone
Since I visit a lot of places including Japan, the U.S., Australia and other countries for road trip, it's kind of pointless to set a particular timezone. And my GPS module gives me UTC time so I chose 'None of the above > UTC', anyway.Change keyboard layout
I used U.S. keyboard so I didn't have to do anything about it.5. Enable Camera
Default is 'Disabled', but this project is going to use camera for sure so I enabled it.6. Add to Rastrack
It has nothing to do with my project, but it's fun. You might wanna do it when you have internet connect now.7. Overclock
No.8. Advanced Options
Some advanced settings. For this project, make sure SSH and SPI are enabled.It's done. When you choose to finish, it asks you if it should reboot now. To activate changes you should let it reboot. After reboot, it's all activated. During this configuration process, you might have seen some warning messages like below.
If so, you can change some setting with the next article. If you didn't have trouble you can ignore the next one and go on to update/upgrade Raspbian.